不熟悉mac眼影的也许需要提一下,mac的眼影原先有几种,matte, satin, frost, lustre, veluxe pearl, velvet, 其中我最讨厌lustre, 颗粒感太强,不容易上色。后来(去年? 还是前年?)加了一种matte2, 我觉得比matte要滑软好上色,不过我本来就不爱matte就是了。
BunnyBunnyBunny: "The Starflash Eyeshadows are the size of normal eyeshadows. The shadows are a brand new finish called Starflash. These shadows contain Soybean, Jojoba, and Olive Oil which helps the powders have a more creamy application to the skin and also allow it to adhere better to the skin than other powders as well as be more long wearing. The difference in texture can be felt immediately because it feels a lot softer on the eye, but gives a surprising high amount of color payoff when built up.
The finish itself is a very frosty, flashy finish. They contain pearlized particles, but much finer than a Veluxe Pearl because the pigments in these are jet-milled. There are no obvious pearls, it's more of just a super frosty highlighty kind of shadow. They can be worn sheer for a more neutral light frost, or built up for a very reflective finish."
颜色描述(credit goes to risser's blog):
Grand Entrance:霜澤柔絹粉色
Bold & Brazen:霜澤亮紅銅色
Sunset B.:霜澤中調粉色
Talent pool:帶金色珠光的藍綠色
Mink & Sable:橄欖綠色
Smoke & Diamonds:霜澤暗灰褐色
Glamour Check!:紅棕色
Top Hat:暗靛青色
Star by Night:中調藍色
总体感觉: 质地还不错,细,软,好上色。光泽刚才提到了,偏光很美,但是换个角度看不到偏光的话,也没有很特别。光泽亮度和frost很类似,不喜欢frost光泽的可以pass了。
几个几近白色和金色铜色棕色被我忽略了,兴趣不大。就记得dream maker(淡金色那只)相对比较chalky, 往手上一抹只看到闪闪的颗粒。铜色棕色相信童鞋们可以找到大把类似的,比如bronze, woodwinkle,sable之类
mink&sable看起来蛮像sumptous olive, 另外一个go!看起来也差不多。
sunset B是个很好上色的鲜亮粉色,让我想起shu ME100. 好像类似色在mac里并不多。
lotusland:我喜欢这个紫色,比beautiful iris质地柔软好上色,又比它多一点光泽。beautiful iris总是给人太平淡的感觉, 而lotusland就多了几分光泽感,我觉得lotusland就像beautiful iris加上一层star n' rocket的光泽。
talent pool:图上看起来很美的蓝绿色,擦起来有金色光泽,第一感觉就是,哦,人鱼似的蓝绿色,好像哪里见过。。。再一想,和steamy真是神似啊,talent pool稍微偏蓝一些,但是区别不大。
最深的两色,蓝色star by night和紫色top hat, 之前我都是很期待的。但是不知道为啥,所有的深蓝和深紫都是如此,很涩,难上色,抹开脏兮兮的。。。如果湿用的话,这两个颜色还是不错的,因为我又涂了几遍以后,就看出star by night的美丽光泽和蓝色了。但是延展性不好是肯定的了。
最后是我期待的smoke&diamonds, 好像是12色里最好上色,最饱和的一只。颜色当然也很美,灰褐色,有铅色的光泽,又有点偏绿。
从左到右:moth brown, french grey, smoke&diamonds, sweet siena:
其实除了mac, 其他牌子也有类似的:
从左到右:stila diamond li, mac smoke&diamonds, MJ秀发:
这样一比,smoke&diamonds和stila的diamond li真是双胞胎!!已经有了这块stila的美女就可以跳过了。