A few weeks ago, Sprill hill nursery has a promotion of a perennial 'grab bag'. What a 'grab bag' claims to be is a mystery box with some assortment of their most popular perennials and is worth about $100. With the promotion, we were able to apply a few coupons and in the end, well, it is free! (of course we have to pay $13 shipping fee). We couldn't resist and order it. For $13, we figured there is nothing to loose and it is fun ito see what we can get in the mystery box.
So today the package came. It is like Christmas time for me! I was half excited and half worried. But the first bag I pull out is already a nice surprise. It has 3 daylily plants inside. Apparently, they can't wait to be planted since each has some green sprouts already. Nice!!!
As I pull out the bags one by one, I was more and more impressed. Therefore I took some pictures to show you because a picture is worth a thousand words.
Please excuse the bad pictures. It was 6pm and the room didn't have enough sunlight.
First up, the entire package. There are 8 bags inside and I put a grocery paper bag so you get the idea of the size of the package.
And here is a list of things we get:
3 'daring deception' daylilies.
Alaska shasta daisy x3. They are tiny but apparently alive with some very young sprouts.
Sweet giant strawberry x25. This bag has a big clump of roots and new sprouts in there. I guess there are 25 plants in there. Wow!
2 bags of hardy hibiscus: 3x each, so I got 6 plants. Hardy hibicus are wonderful flowering plants and I was so thrilled to see I got 2 bag of them at first. However on second look, these don't look that promising. In fact, they look like dead roots to me. However I was able to find an article online talking about the hardy hibicus she got from sprill hill and how to plant them. Her plants look the same as this and she grew all 6 of them successfully. So there is still hope I guess.
Espresso hardy geranium x1: I was unable to find what an 'espresso' geranium looks like. I don't remember I ever see 'brown' colored geranium before? Anyway I always want to grow some hardy geranium in my garden so I am still happy to give it a try. Again the plants already have some very tender sprouts.
Lavender astilbe x1: Now this is the plant I really want. I was tempted to get some astilbes for my backyard because it has a lot of shade area. And this one is even in the color that I want: soft pinky lavender. How sweet is that! I will keep my figures crossed this one can survive :)
Arisaema flavum x1: Never heard about this so I guess it doesn't really matter to me. It looks like a bulb so I can easily dig a hole and put it inside to see what happens next year :p
All in all, I am very pleased with this purchase. Maybe I will try again next year when they run the same promotion ^-^