

Lancaster 365 Cellular Elixir



两个月前无意中看到spalook的促销装里有这一款,两天之内又看到skinstore和nordstrom都开始卖这个精华了,才惊觉lancaster又打回美国市场了。 这下有机会我可以试试了。

这个精华分两款,一款普通的,一款给敏感肌用的。 据说敏感肌那款含硅较多,所以我还是选了普通款,拿到手发现普通款好像含酒精较多,不过无所谓了,我的皮肤对酒精也不过敏。



The key ingredients are DNA repairing enzymes from micrococcus lysate, a mustard plant (Arabidposis Extract) and plankton extract.

Agiderm is in phase III trials of the DNA-repairing drug Dimericine and they use a similar enzyme repair technology in their OTC brand Remergent.

Estee Lauder, Lancaster and other brands buy these actives from Agiderm/Remergent and puts them in lots of their products (most recently Cliniques continuous antioxidant recovery moisturiser).

The marketing name for these enzyme actives are: Photosomes, ultrasomes and roxosomes.

It *seems* like a good idea and that all of the active ingredients are there and can reach the cells, but a lot of DNA repair enzymes have to "activated" by some sort of insult to the cell in order to start looking for areas that need to be repaired.

They are usually either linked to

1) DNA damage pathways (so that the cell senses insults that could damage DNA or the products of DNA damage and activates these enzymes)


2) transcription - when the cell uses DNA to transcribe RNA (such as DNA is for =), the transcriptional machinary may have some repair enzymes attached to it's "caboose". When the enzyme that makes RNA from the DNA template, RNA polymerase, is "inching along" transcribing the DNA, it can sense damage to the DNA bases or structure, and the accompanying repair enzymes (on the "caboose") will then repair it.

Of course, there are a few other ways it happens, but the point is: there isn't a lot of passive DNA repair going on in the cell most of the time I think.

I wonder if these enzymes can actually incorporate themselves into the cells machinary and have any real effect.

Are there any controlled trials or published, peer-reviewed in vitro evidence? I'd love to see it, because I'd be very interested in using this technology if anyone can prove that it actually works =) TIA!


Yes, the insult is DNA damage from UV-radiation and the enzyme photolyase uses the energy from visible wavelengths of light to repair dimers in the skin more rapidly.

The liposomes carrying the enzymes (endonuclease and photolyase) has been proven to reach into the dermis and into the cells. You can read Daniel Yarosh papers on pubmed for more detailed scientific info.

DNA-excision repair in the skin is going on all the time. Otherwise we would all succumb to skin cancer. Xeroderma pigmentosum patients lack some of this repair ability and they must remove cancerous lesions continuosly.

Agiderms drug Dimericine has been tested on this patient group and it decreased precancerous lesions by 68% and cancers by 30%.

You can read more about the T4N5 Liposome Lotion on:

the publications on some of Daniel Yarosh DNA-repair technology is listed here:





质地: 和一般精华一样,很水,仔细看里面有珠光?Orz。。。这到底添加了什么鬼东西。。。每次按说明要用3-4滴,但是由于它的质地很像水,一抹上去就干了,所以用量比较费,我这样不大的脸也要用附带的吸管吸两次才够用。 这几天天气很热,所以单用它也不觉得干。但是天气稍微凉一点的话,外面一定要加一个面霜。前面说了,普通款的含酒精,所以用上去能感到丝丝凉意。

味道: 好像有股淡淡的香,不是很烦扰我,还好还好。

效果: 哎,好像真的有效果亚。我的脸上前一阵冒好多小痘痘,在下巴和两颊留下一些痘印,都好几周了,而且每天还有新的小痘痘冒出来。用了这个一周多后,基本没有新的小痘痘了,这点很好,说明它至少不会致痘。而且,那些痘印消失得很快,现在出门不用粉底已经基本看不出来了。也许,它真的提高了皮肤的修复能力?



总而言之,现在皮肤很糟糕, 所以乖乖地换回了lrp防晒和矿物粉底。再看看这个精华到底是治痘呢还是致痘。。

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