上周末去买香体卡的唇彩时, BA给了两个小样,一是vital essense, 二是钻石眼霜。
vital essense在NM网上的介绍:
With super-hydrating, antiaging ingredients, this treatment works as both a fantastic eye gel and all-over face serum.
The 95.5% botanical formula:
• Protects and rebalances the complextion with antioxidants such as grape seed oil.
• Helps replace estrogen with Chinese flowers.
• Helps cure acne by acting on the sebaceous glands with soybean extract.
• Regulates sebum with seaweed.
由于里面有类似vitamin c一样的东西,所以小样不能久存。我很暴殮天物地三天内把小样用掉了,每次厚厚地涂一层,像面膜一样。
第三天就觉得咦,今天肤色很均,光泽很好。由于当天用了新的粉底,还在暗赞这个粉底好呀,怎么没看到什么妆感却觉得一整天皮肤很好呢(事实上粉底是打得很薄)。到了晚间回家,洗了脸,卸了妆,一看镜子,hmm, 皮肤还是和刚才一样,又匀又有光泽,这下明白了,是自己皮肤这几天用vital essense有变化啊。。。
MUA的review里不少人也提到,用了两三天就发现皮肤变匀变细,所以我这个变化应该不是臆想出来的。巧不巧的另一个朋友也是周末拿了小样,用了三天后跟我哼唧,说vital essense太好用了,今天出去被人赞皮肤好。。。这无疑是给我雪上加霜,火上浇油。。
Stress Repair Concentrate eye cream:
new antiaging eye cream that combines the latest science with the world's best botanicals.
What it does
• Instantly smoothes fine lines.
• Inhibits facial muscles from contracting, to help prevent future lines from occuring.
• Improves skin's appearance.
• Helps makeup last longer.
• Reduces puffiness from skin by removing toxins.
• Calms skin and promotes cellular turnover.
• Soothes, tightens, and exfoliates.
• Prevents capillary bruising and darkness under the eyes.
• Fights free radicals.
• Softens and nourishes.
• Protects from harmful sun rays with edelweiss, an all-natural sunscreen.
• Apply to forehead and around the mouth for the same antiaging benefits.
How it works
• 87% botanical formula.
• Powered by an anti-wrinkle hexapeptide that diminishes the strength of neurotransmitters, helping relax facial muscles and prevent future wrinkles.
• Toxin-eliminating caffeine.
• Green tea and bilberry extract.
• Orange flower water.
• Hydrating saccharide isomerate.
• Rose de mai, sweet almond oil, sodium hyaluronate, narcissus wax, and shea butter.
0.5 ounces in a silver jar. 170刀
我每次用都会觉得眼周热热的,霜的膏体蛮厚实的,够润够保湿。 用了几天下来,觉得眼周明亮,有紧实感。我有感觉的眼霜不多,所以即使这个感觉还不明显,也是一种希望吧。。
对了,urcosme上眼部保养top 5排行榜上,这个眼霜排第三,可以说明问题吗
- Mar 05 Wed 2008 00:17
Chantecaille vital essense和钻石眼霜